Our Group Gmail is ficfacers@gmail.com with the password 8upernatural. Please use it for your Fic Facer$ correspondence.



After the auction, you write to the bidder and tell them they’re the winner and to make their donation. (Script #3)

Next, write to their creatives who got a bid and tell them how much the bid is and to tell them just what their bidder wants.  (Script #4)  We’re going to assume the donation is made in a timely fashion. You will need to make sure they both write back to you to acknowledge your emails.

You get notification from the bidder they’ve made their donation, and you thank them. (Script #5)

Sometimes, well after the auction is over, people suddenly want to talk to their bidder or their author/artist. (Script #6) You may have to tell one of them the other doesn’t want to share addresses. (Script #7) I want to say that I haven’t had this happen yet, but it might.

First month

Now our goals are to make sure the bidder makes the donation, the artist/author fulfills the bid order, and the bidder knows all about it. You also want to alert me about all this when it’s completed so I can put it up on the archive. (Remember, we want a link to the story on A03 or Fanfic.net or whatever, or to the art on Tumblr or DeviantArt or whatever. If the creative does not have such an account, we can post it to the FicFacer$ website.)

To recap:

1. You get notification that the story/artwork has been posted in full or as a Work in Progress and get the URL. You write back and say thanks. (Script #8)

2. You notify the bidder their work is up (Script #9), unless the bidder has not made their donation. In that case, contact  me.

3. You let me know, and I link it up to the 2019 archive. (Script #10)

Once these things have been done for your people, your obligations as Seraph are over.


August 2019
Second month

If a bidder has not made a donation by now, send them a reminder. (Script #11)

Otherwise, see July 2019.


september 2019
third month

See July 2019.


september 16-30 2019
last two weeks

See July 2019, except now Seraphs should send an email to any people who still haven’t fulfilled their art/story reminding them that the deadline is coming up. (Script#12) If they finally let you know they’re having a problem, notify me. (Script #13


October 1-2 2019
last two weeks

Still have outstanding bid orders? Write me. Let’s talk.


Script #1

Fic Facer$: I’m Your Seraph

Hi there. I’m going to be helping you through the auction process. Think of me as your personal go-to, although Julia is still available, of course.

I’m here to help you with your deadline, answer questions about the auction, help you if you want to find a beta reader, introduce you to you bidder (or act as your go-between if you prefer), and generally be of help.

Also, please let me know at this time if you’d be OK sharing your email address with your bidder. If not, that’s fine, and I’ll mediate between you.

Please reply, however briefly, to this email so I know it reached you.


Script #2

Fic Facer$: You didn’t get a bid, but you helped so much!

Your participation with your auction offering helped make us look so good, and any work you did to spread the word is most appreciated! Without you, we wouldn’t have gotten $AUCTION BID TOTAL in bids.

I really hope you had a good time and want to be with us again next time.

Lucifer sics that spam filter on me. Please reply so I know you got this.


Script #3

Fic Facer$: Congratulations!

You are the winning bidder on creative at $.

It’s because of you and people like you that we have raised $4,823 for Random Acts. Thank you so much.

At this point, please go to the Random Acts donation page (https://www.randomacts.org/donate/) and make your donation for the full amount in US dollars.Random Acts has asked that everyone use the notes function to say this is a donation as part of FicFacer$2020. If you’re using PayPal, this option comes up at the end of the process:

On CrowdRise, the option is right there on the first page. RA also takes checks and money orders.

In return, RA will send you an email acknowledging your donation, which you then forward to ficfacers@gmail.com. (Feel free to remove information from the forward you don’t want me to see, such as the email address associated with your money.)

Once I have a copy of your letter, I will write to your creative with your choices for your art/story. They will then have your art/story for you by October 1, 2020.

We cannot thank you enough for your contribution to a great charity and to a fun auction!


Script #4

Fic Facer$: Congratulations!

You received a winning bid of $AMOUNT.

Your bidder has requested the following: See attachment.

Your bidder has pledged their donation to Random Acts. Please post your story for them (and let me know you have) by October 1, 2020.

I really hope you had a good time and want to be with us again next time. I’ll check in occasionally to see how you’re doing with your auction piece.

Please respond to this email so I know you got it. If you have any questions or concerns, remember to pray to your Seraph, but use email. My angel radio is down.


Script #5

Fic Facer$: BIDDER Thanks!

Thanks for your $AMOUNT donation to Random Acts! Your ARTIST/AUTHOR has been notified, and they’ll get to work on your STORY/ART.

Once the STORY/ART has been posted, I’ll write you with their link.

Please reply, just a word or two, so I know you received this.


Script #6

Fic Facer$: May I share your email address?

Your BIDDER/ARTIST/AUTHOR wants to exchange emails with you. Is this all right? If not, I will continue to mediate between the two of you.


Script #7

Fic Facer$: BIDDER/ARTIST/AUTHOR Wants to Stay Anon

Your BIDDER/ARTIST/AUTHOR wants to remain anon. I will continue to mediate between the two of you as you like.


Script #8

Fic Facer$: ARTIST/AUTHOR Thanks!

Thanks for the link to your STORY/ART. It will be posted on the site.

IF IT’S A STORY ON AO3: Please be sure to add the story to the AO3 Fic Facer$ Collection – https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FicFacers2019

IF THE STORY/ART IS INCOMPLETE: Please do let me know when your ART/STORY is complete.


Script #9

Fic Facer$: STORY/ART is Up!

Your ARTIST/AUTHOR has posted your STORY/ART here – LINK

Enjoy, and thank you so much for bidding at our Fic Facer$ auction!

Please respond so I know you got this exciting email.


Script #10

Fic Facer$: ART/STORY is posted

Yo, Julia! SO-AND-SO’s thing is here – LINK


Script #11

Fic Facer$: Donation Reminder

I am writing to you because it has been a while since the close of the auction, and I have not yet received your donation confirmation.

 The reasons for this may be:

  1. You did email with your confirmation, and I didn’t see it.
  2. You made your donation but haven’t received your thank you letter. (They send it out within the hour, so if this is the case, please check your SPAM filter.)
  3. You haven’t donated yet because you forgot.
  4. You haven’t donated yet because you’re going to when you get a paycheck.
  5. You’ve decided not to donate after all.

Whatever the reason, please email me back and let me know what’s going on. I’m happy to help however I can, including if you’ve decided not to donate, in which case I’ll contact the second-highest bidder.

I want to thank you again for participating.


Script #12

Fic Facer$: Checking In

This is a reminder that the deadline for STORY/ART is October 1. How is your STORY/ART coming? Is all well? Can I help with something?


Script #13

Fic Facer$: ARTIST/AUTHOR Having a Problem

SO-AND-SO said they’re having the following problem: FILL THIS IN.


